- Trends & Insights
- Plant Based
Plant-Forward Solutions
Bring variety and delicious taste to your menu with plant-forward, vegetarian or vegan offerings.
PLANT-BASED. PLANT-FORWARD. FLEXITARIAN. VEGGIE-CENTRIC. Whatever you call it, consumers are looking for less meat and more plants.
Nestlé Professional offers a broad range of plant-forward, vegan and vegetarian solutions from a portfolio of trusted food and beverage brands. Use our meatless products to develop your own signature plant-forward dishes and menus that “wow” guests and keep them coming back.
See inside:
- Key consumer insights
- A list of Nestlé Professional products that fit the plant-forward trend
- Discover 5 ways to make plants part of your beverage menu
The information provided is based on a general industry overview, and is not specific to your business operation. Each business is unique and decisions related to your business should be made after consultation with appropriate experts.