Celebrate National Nutrition Month With Minor’s Low Sodium Bases

Celebrate National Nutrition Month With Minor’s Low Sodium Bases

Nestlé Professional Press Release

National Nutrition Month is a chance to reflect on the quality and nutritional value of your dishes. Take time this March to please patrons with rich, flavorful dishes made with Minor’s Low Sodium Bases. Created by chefs for chefs, Minor’s Beef, Chicken and Vegetable Low Sodium Bases are tested gluten free and meet USDA low sodium guidelines. With less than 140 mg of sodium per serving, these bases serve as wholesome foundations to create delectable soups, gravies and sauces. Check out the “Low Sodium Bases Plus-One Matrix” guide found at flavormeansbusiness.com/products/gluten-free/ to easily add healthy flavor to any recipe, without overdoing sodium. For more information or a free sample, call 1-800-243-8822 or visit flavormeansbusiness.com