Authorized Dealer Registry

If you purchase Coffee mate and NESCAFÉ Dolce Gusto products (“Products”) from an Authorized Distributor of Nestlé USA, Inc. dba Nestlé Professional North America or Vitality Foodservice, Inc. dba Nestlé Professional Beverages (collectively, “Nestlé Professional”) for purposes of resale to end-users for personal or business use, you must register with Nestlé Professional in order to become an Authorized Dealer. Please be advised that authorization to sell the Products is granted only after registration with Nestlé Professional.

To register, please fill out the Authorized Dealer Registration Form below, review the terms in the Nestlé Professional Authorized Dealer Policy (the “Dealer Policy”), agree to the Legal Agreement, and click SUBMIT.

By completing this registration process, you will be considered an Authorized Dealer unless you are notified by Nestlé Professional that your “Authorized Dealer” status has been revoked. This registration process and the Dealer Policy are applicable only in the United States.

Company Information

(e.g., corporation, limited liability company, sole proprietorship)

Primary Contact Person

Please review the restrictions on online sales described in the Dealer Policy carefully.  Please note that you are only permitted to sell products on a Permissible Public Website, which is a website disclosed to Nestlé Professional, operated by you in your own legal or registered fictitious name, states your contact information conspicuously, does not give the appearance that it is operated by Nestlé Professional or any third party, and is operated in compliance with Nestlé Professional’s Online Sales Guidelines, which are an exhibit to the Dealer Policy.  The Dealer Policy prohibits Authorized Dealers from selling on third-party marketplace websites such as Amazon and eBay without Nestlé Professional’s prior written consent. Consent to sell on third-party marketplace websites is not granted through this registration process.