Green Chile Mahi Mahi and Spicy Sofrito

  • Preparation time
    30 min
  • Difficulty Easy
  • Number of servings
  • Mahi mahi, dorado, fish -- 30 oz
  • Minor's Fire Roasted Poblano Flavor Concentrate Gluten Free 6 x 13.6 ounces -- 4 oz
  • Olive oil -- 2.5 tsp
  • Olive oil -- 1 oz
  • Onion -- 10 oz
  • Celery -- 4 oz
  • Red bell pepper -- 4.25 oz
  • Garlic, minced, wet -- 0.75 oz
  • Minor's Fire Roasted Poblano Flavor Concentrate Gluten Free 6 x 13.6 ounces -- 4 oz
  • Black bean, cooked -- 9.25 oz
  • Corn -- 5 oz
  • 1
    Dry off fish completely. Preheat grill to high heat. Lightly oil the grill. Place mahi mahi filet on the grill and sear both sides.
  • 2
    Combine the oil and Fire Roasted Poblano Flavor Concentrate. Take the seared mahi mahi from the grill, and coat the top of the fish with the mixture. Bake in a 350°F convection oven until fully cooked, approximately 7-9 minutes.
  • 3
    In a sauté pan over medium high heat, add 1 oz olive oil. Add onions and sweat down. Add celery, bell peppers and garlic; sweat down for 3 minutes. Add Fire Roasted Poblano Flavor Concentrate, black beans and corn; sweat down for 3 minutes, stirring frequently. Season to taste. Set aside and keep warm.
man in a green sweater, typing on his computer

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