woman standing and reaching for a grab and go product

Maximizing profitability with Grab and Go

Grab-and-go offerings have proven highly profitable for foodservice operators across different sectors. By providing convenient, ready-to-eat options, micromarkets can attract more customers, increase sales, and optimize operational efficiency. Whether you already operate a micromarket or are looking for ways to maximize your micromarket profitability, Nestlé Professional Solutions® has the products and support to help you keep up with consumer demand and make your business a success.

Maximize profits with grab-and-go

Consumers are snacking more than ever before. In fact, according to Convenience Store News, 75% of consumers eat meals or snacks on the go. Grab-and-go offerings have proven highly profitable for foodservice operators across different sectors.

By providing convenient, ready-to-eat options, micromarkets can attract more customers, increase sales, and optimize operational efficiency. A recent finding claims that operators report gross margins between 11%-30%, making this sector one of the most profitable in foodservice.[1]

Whether you already operate a micromarket or are looking for ways to maximize your micromarket profitability, Nestlé Professional Solutions® has the products and support to help you keep up with consumer demand and make your business a success.


Stock up on consumer favorites to help increase your sales

Nestlé Professional Solutions is a trusted foodservice partner with a full portfolio of top selling grab-and-go items to stock your freezer. Here are some ways that partnering with Nestlé Professional Solutions can help maximize your profitability:

woman pressing buttons on microwave
  • Popular Consumer Brands: 61% of consumers say that brands are extremely important in this category.[2] With Nestlé Professional Solutions’ portfolio of grab-and-go snacks and meals, you can provide beloved consumer brands like Stouffer's®, Hot Pockets®, Sweet Earth®, DiGiorno®, and Lean Cuisine®. Offer customers familiar flavors while boosting your sales and increasing your foot traffic.
  • Frozen Solutions to Decrease Product Waste: These frozen grab-and-go options have an extended shelf life, reducing product waste to help increase profit margins. Plus, Nestlé Professional Solutions’ frozen products are easy to stock and quick to heat in a microwave, reducing labor costs and streamlining your overall operation.  
  • All-Day Sales Potential: With a diverse range of products covering all dayparts—from breakfast to late-night snacks—Nestlé Professional Solutions enables operators to maximize sales throughout the entire day, helping you offer variety to keep customers coming back for more.
  • Variety of Dietary Options: Nestlé Professional Solutions’ Grab & Go offerings include Sweet Earth®, Lean Cuisine® and Life Cuisine® products that cater to various dietary restrictions and preferences, including gluten-free, low-calorie and plant-based options, allowing you to appeal to a broader customer demographic while ensuring satisfaction.

By providing your guests with a diverse (and delicious!) product selection from Nestlé Professional Solutions’ Grab & Go brands, you can delight them with the variety of on-the-go meal options they’re looking for. Plus, with products that are easy-to-stock and ready to eat in just minutes, you can cut down on labor costs and food waste.

Start maximizing your micromarket profits today. Get in touch here to learn more about which grab and go products to buy for your business.

[1] Foodservice IP, 2024

[2] Foodservice IP, 2024

man in a green sweater, typing on his computer

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