trends and insights

Trends and Insights

As our industry changes, adapting is essential. Check back often for new insights, data, and trends.

Cleaner, Greener Business Ideas

Find out how Nestlé Professional has gone greener and cleaner—and how you can, too. These simple, practical ideas produce big savings.

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—Getting on the Right Track

No matter how much space, budget, or time you have to allocate to reducing waste, you can start to make changes today.

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—Choosing More Sustainable Ingredients

Certain types of food place more strain on the environment due to their water or land requirements, carbon footprint, agricultural chemicals, biodiversity concerns, or other environmental pressures. 

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—The Restaurant’s Role in Reducing Trash

Today many customers are also interested in your waste reduction efforts, as they begin to realize the environmental costs of waste. In this first issue of Planetpro, we will take a look at this topic and show you some practical ways you can manage waste.

Planetpro: No Time to Waste—At the Table

Dinner is served, but waste reduction doesn’t end here. There are several steps you can take to prevent or cut back on waste as you serve the meal and clean up after your guests.

EDWINS Making the Pivot to Takeout

Demanding times require swift innovation. The kind EDWINS, a training and fine-dining operation, did. They went to 100% takeout and delivery in about one day. Read how.

Make Onsite Takeout More Convenient with Grab-and-Go

Tasty food, instantly available—that’s the essence of Grab-and-Go. Expand your onsite takeout program for instant results. We have 12 things you must know, here.

10 Million Young People Supported by the Global Alliance for YOUth

The Global Alliance for YOUth has announced today that 10 million young people have been supported since joining forces at the World Economic Forum in Davos 2019. 

Nestle Logo plus the words, "Creating Shared Value"

Making Nestlé a Better Company

Shared values bind a company together. At Nestlé Professional and its parent companies that means an emphasis on employee health, safety, and wellness. It also means supporting the professional development of each individual. Read more about how we share your values.

Giving Back to the Community

We believe in giving back to the community. Read about how volunteers from the Nestlé Professional Customer Innovation Campus recently spent a day living that commitment.

Q&A With Stouffer’s Real Food Tour Winner, Dan. T

We wanted to get to know our 2019 Grand Prize winner a little better, so we asked him a few questions. See what Dan likes about Stouffer’s and how he reacted when he first found out he won a trip to Italy!

Chef Brings a Little Magic to Kids at Boston Children’s Hospital

Nestlé Professional Corporate Executive Chef Alex Dino brought holiday cheer to kids staying at Boston Children’s Hospital. Chef Dino helped the children build gingerbread houses and made everything a little more festive for the kids and their families.

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