trends and insights

Trends and Insights

As our industry changes, adapting is essential. Check back often for new insights, data, and trends.
Platter of vegan appetizers

Vegan Cuisine Soaring in Popularity

Plant-based foods are hugely popular. Get ahead of the wave and feature vegan dishes—no animal products whatsoever. Its trend line is up 97% in the past four years!

Vegetable-centric kebabs on an outdoor grill

Add Craveability to Plant-Based Cooking

Produce-based cooking is fast gaining popularity. Get in on the trend, and find new ways to deliver extra flavor and craveability from plant-based recipes. 

Raw bowl with grains and legumes

Adapt to Today’s Demand for Plant-Based and Flexitarian Menus

Patrons are consuming more fruits and vegetables—but haven’t abandoned meat. They’re called “flexitarians.” Learn how to appeal to this taste trend with craveable, delicious menu items that focus on plant-forward foods.

Whole sardines in a metal bowl

Quality, Sustainable Seafood Gets Consumers’ Attention

Learn why sustainable seafood, including a traceable supply chain, is important to the planet, consumers, and you. It’s more than just “doing the right thing.” It’s an intelligent business strategy.

Beyond Business Impact

Beyond Business Impact

NESCAFÉ Affects Global Improvement with its Social and Environmental Efforts


“Sandwich” Doesn’t Always Mean Meat

Meatless sandwiches always appeal. Grilled Cheese is an obvious example. But patrons are asking for other options like avocado, falafel, and soy steak.

Bowled Over by Flavor

Bowled Over by Flavor

Fresh and global flavors in bowl-based cuisines


Clean and Green

Juices and fruit-flavored beverages go all-natural.

Fresh rosemary herb brine with orange peel

30 Ideas for Cutting Food Waste

Reducing food waste might be the very best way to reduce cost and increase sustainability. Discover how to use food scraps to make soups, sauces, and other flavorful dishes.

Pan of black beans, sweet potatoes, and broccoli

Vegetarian, Flexitarian, Vegan. Plant-Oriented Diets Are Growing

Hard-to-please Millennials and others are embracing plant-based diets. Learn why the trend fits into the pattern of sustainability, clean-eating, freshness, and global flavors. And how it fits your operation.

Person dumping food waste into trash can

12 Waste-Cutting Ideas to Control Costs

Cutting waste is a good thing—for the environment and for your profitability. Learn 12 simple ways you can control waste—and costs—in your operation.

Bowl of pearl barley salad with vegetables

Go All-In on Whole Grains for Healthy Profits

Whole grains are having their day in the sun. Guests are asking for more whole grain pasta, bread, and grain bowls. Learn new ideas for healthful, tasty, whole grain dishes.

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