Nuts, Seeds, and Grains Add Menu Inspiration—and Value
A handful of nuts, seeds, or grains adds a huge measure of texture and protein. See how they add interest to a wide range of dishes, some you didn’t expect.
From morning to night, summer to winter, people love their coffee—to the tune of 1.6 billion cups a day. This issue of Nutripro will help you make the most of one of the most requested items on the menu.
Increasingly, eating well means adopting a NHW (Nutrition, Health, and Wellness) attitude. Discover easy ways to keep taste and healthfulness in balance.
"Stealth Health" is all about cooking with less salt and fat, but without making it seem like you've deleted the yum factor from your menu. Learn how restaurateurs are reformulating recipes to be healthier while still attracting customers with great taste, and tempting menu options.
Americans like salt—but they also want healthier food. Learn how you can keep the flavors they love while reducing the amount of sodium in your recipes. It could be as easy as adjusting the acid balance. Learn seven top tips, plus get links to great new reduced-sodium recipes here.
Your customers come to you with varied tastes, backgrounds, dietary needs—and sometimes, a craving for something sweet. How do you satisfy them all? Offer up a menu they can’t resist.
Food is both fuel for the body and an important part of world cultures. Learn what researchers have discovered about food cravings, as well as why food is central to human cultural interaction.
Awareness of food allergies and intolerance issues is increasing. What should you do to accommodate these health issues? We have some suggestions for what you can do to meet these needs.
There’s no doubt that Wellness and Nutrition are trending. Learn how portion size, presentation, and calorie counts can help you achieve balance on your menus and your spreadsheet.
Gluten free menu items have rocketed by 200% since 2010. Get aboard fast to profit from the health-conscious trend. We have info and recipes to get you started.